WASHINGTON – As part of the Committee on House Administration's extensive review of sexual harassment and discrimination in the congressional workplace, Chairman Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) received additional information on the statistics of settlements and awards from the Office of Compliance (OOC). The OOC provided the Committee with additional statistics of settlements and awards paid by type of claims as a result of cases originating with an employing office in the House of Representatives from FY2003 – FY2007.

Chairman Harper said: "As I have stated from the beginning of this review, one case of sexual harassment is one case too many. As we work to create a culture within our Capitol Hill community that instills respect, the Committee has been working on a comprehensive review and reform of the laws, procedures, and resources concerning workplace harassment in the House. As part of our review, I asked the OOC for a breakdown of the total amount that has been reported by their office for all cases involving claims of violations of the Congressional Accountability Act. We released the original data provided to the Committee on December 1 and December 19. The OOC provided our Committee with additional information from FY2003 through FY2007 involving offices within the House of Representatives. The Committee will continue to investigate the OOC's record keeping practices for the remaining years."

Additional information regarding settlements between FY2003 and FY2007 provided by Susan Tsui Grundmann with the Office of Compliance to Chairman Harper:

Claims against Member-led Offices from FY2003-2007:
1. sex discrimination $15,225.00
2. sex, age, race & retaliation, FMLA & FLSA (unequal pay) $9,135.00
3. FLSA – overtime & retaliation $40,000.00
4. race, national origin & sex discrimination $3,292.00
5. race & national origin discrimination, retaliation & FLSA (overtime) $1,698.72
6. race discrimination $671.36
Total of Settlement Amounts for Member-led offices: $70,022.08

Claims Against Non-Member-led Offices from FY 2003-2007:
1. disability discrimination & retaliation $11,500.00
2. race discrimination & retaliation $7,500.00
3. disability discrimination $14,229.00
Total of Settlement Amounts for Non-Member Led Offices: $33,229.00

Total of Settlement Amounts for All House Offices (2003-2007): $103,251.08

January 11, 2018 Letter to Chairman Harper from the Office of Compliance