WASHINGTON - Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) opened today's Full Committee Markup on Various Measures.

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Chairman Steil's full opening statement as prepared for delivery: 

I would like to start by thanking Ranking Member Morelle and our Members for participating in the two-part Committee Funding Hearing in recent weeks. 

The hearings with the Chairs and Ranking Members of each House Committee took great effort and coordination and I am grateful to all our Members for your participation. 

In the end, we heard from almost every single Chair and Ranking Member of House Committees on their requested budgets for the 119th Congress. 

Holding these hearings is one of this Committee’s core responsibilities and I believe these hearings advance our efforts to be more transparent and accountable to the American people. 

In reviewing each budget request, we wanted to ensure that every Committee has the necessary resources to execute their missions, without wasting taxpayer dollars, which I believe we achieved with my Chairman’s Mark. 

The Amendment in Nature of a Substitute provides committees with the funding they need to conduct their important work in the 119th Congress. 

I am hopeful that we can pass this resolution today to allow the Committees to get to work. 

Today, we will also be considering a committee resolution setting the intern allocation for all standing and select Committees, excluding the Appropriations Committee.  

Internship opportunities on the Hill provide students and young adults with an opportunity to see government in action.  

We will also be considering a resolution to establish an allocation for Committee’s franked mail. 

Finally, as our Committee oversees federal elections, we will be considering five resolutions to dismiss election challenges from across the country.  

I thank my colleagues for being here today and I am hopeful we will pass all of these resolutions in a nonpartisan fashion. 
