- Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) released the following information related to the construction of the infamous gallows of January 6, 2021. 

One of the most well-known images from January 6, 2021, is the gallows erected on the grounds of the United States Capitol that morning, perfectly framing the Capitol dome. Photos of the gallows were featured prominently by the Select Committee to investigate January 6th, and have also become a symbol used by President Biden’s Administration when discussing the events of January 6 and included in his re-election campaign. Despite the infamy of this image, the individuals who constructed the gallows have never been identified.  

Today, the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight is releasing information and asking: who are these people and why did they build the gallows?  

“It is inconceivable that a gallows could be constructed on U.S. Capitol property and left up all day,” said Chairman Loudermilk. “These men arrived early in the morning, several hours before the rally even started or anyone had gathered, to construct the gallows platform, yet this structure was allowed to stay intact for all to see. These actions raise more serious and troubling questions. Why didn’t the U.S. Capitol Police take down the gallows once it was seen on Capitol property, and why have the individuals never been identified? I plan to get to the bottom of this."

Summary of Investigative Findings: 
At approximately 6:30 a.m. on January 6, 2021, a white full-size van parked north of Constitution Avenue, where three passengers unloaded a large bundle of lumber with wheels. After unloading, the group walked the bundle across Constitution Avenue and onto the grass at Union Square. They were then joined by two more people arriving by cab at the corner of 1st and C Streets NW.?? 

Between 6:30 a.m. and 7:15 a.m., the group constructed the platform and two main pillars of the gallows, only leaving off the crossbeam. During this time, the apparent group leader along with one other person, left the group and walked down 3rd Street, heading north. They returned a few minutes later with coffee, and the entire group left the scene. Despite the leader’s distinctive clothing—he was wearing a long trench coat, long white scarf, fedora-type hat, and walking with a cane—he has never been identified publicly. 

At approximately 1:00 p.m., the group of five returned to the scene and the presumed leader, now wearing a baseball cap, installed the final crossbeam and added the noose made of bright orange rope. Shortly after construction was complete, all five men left the grounds. 

The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol showed a video during its first hearing of protestors appearing to breach the Capitol chanting, “Hang Mike Pence,” followed by an image of the gallows, which had been erected hundreds of yards away. The Select Committee overlapped these chants with the image of the gallows, implying the crowd of Trump supporters built the gallows as a threat of violence against then-Vice President Pence. Later, witness Cassidy Hutchinson told the Select Committee she overheard a conversation where Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said President Trump agreed with the chants to hang the Vice President.  

After January 6th, the noose from the gallows was recovered by an Australian journalist and turned over to the FBI. However, three years later, the FBI still has no suspects. Additionally, the Select Committee on January 6th seemingly did not review the USCP CCTV footage to identify the culprits behind the gallows, or if they did, they never released information about when the gallows were built and who built them—which can all be seen on CCTV footage from early in the morning on January 6.  

The Capitol Police Guidelines for Conducting an event on United States Capitol Grounds explicitly state, “(t)emporary structures of any kind may not be erected on Capitol Grounds,” which would imply that a gallows—a temporary structure—may not be allowed on Capitol Grounds and would immediately be addressed and/or removed once discovered. However, these gallows were left untouched by USCP officers from 6:00 a.m. on January 6 until later that evening.  

To date, the FBI has not named any suspects in this case. See below for pictures from our investigative findings:
