Full Committee Markup of Various Measures
September 11, 2024
Location: 1310 of the Longworth House Office building
On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 11:30 a.m., the Committee on House Administration will hold a full committee markup in 1310 of the Longworth House Office building. The Committee may consider the following:
- H.R. 9488 – Secure Handling of Internet Electronic Donations Act (SHIELD Act)
- H.R. 7764 – Commission to Study the Potential Transfer of the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History to the Smithsonian Institution Act
- H.R. 6394 – Semiquincentennial Congressional Time Capsule Act
- H.R. 6969 – To direct the Joint Committee on the Library to procure a statue of Benjamin Franklin for placement in the Capitol
- H.R. 9489 – To Sunset the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress, and for Other Purposes
- H.R. 9487 – To amend the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 to authorize the Legislative Counsel of the House of Representatives to designate more than one of the attorneys of the Office of the Legislative Counsel as a Deputy Legislative Counsel, and for other purposes.
- H.R. 9490 – To revise certain authorities of the Government Publishing Office, and for other Purposes.
Any proposed amendments should be emailed to Kristen.Monterroso@mail.house.gov no later than 12 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Note that all amendments filed by this time will be given priority recognition at the meeting. For any amendment filed after the deadline, please deliver twenty-five (25) hard copies to 1309 Longworth House Office Building, in addition to submitting electronically.
If you need further assistance, please contact Kristen Monterroso, Clerk of the Committee, at 202-225-8281 or Kristen.Monterroso@mail.house.gov. For media inquiries, please contact Grace White, Communications Director, at 202-225-8281 or Grace.White@mail.house.gov.
Watch live here
Related Files
- Notice 9.11.24.pdf (215.1 KBs)
- CREDCARD_xml 1[86].pdf (54.7 KBs)