Location: oom 1310 of the Longworth House Office building
September 25, 2023
TO: Members, Committee on House Administration
FROM: Bryan Steil, Chairman, Committee on House Administration
SUBJECT: Full Committee Markup of Various Measures
On Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. ET, the Committee on House Administration will hold a full committee markup in room 1310 of the Longworth House Office building. The Committee plans to consider the following:
- Committee Resolution 118-22 Updates and modernizes the Members Congressional Handbook
- Committee Resolution 118-23 Updates and modernizes the Committee Handbook
- Committee Resolution 118-24 Updates and modernizes the Eligible Congressional Member Organization (ECMO) Handbook
- Committee Resolution 118-21 To approve an additional Committee Consultant Contract Agreement with the Committee on the Budget
- H.Res. ____ - Updates House Rule 24 Clause 8 to clarify the Franking blackout period is 60 days prior to an election in which the members name will appear on a ballot to bring House Rules in line with the statute
- H.R.3196 - Architect of the Capitol Appointment Act of 2023
- H.Res.458 - Requiring foreign state media outlets with credentialed members in the House news media galleries to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act by prohibiting the admission into such galleries of reporters and correspondents who are representatives of such outlets who are not in compliance with the requirements of such Act, and for other purposes.
- H.R. ____ - Extends the Federal Election Commission’s Administrative Fine Program by 10 years
- H.R. 4474 - Confirmation of Congressional Observer Access Act of 2023 (COCOA Act of 2023)
- H.R. 4460 - NO VOTE for Non-Citizens Act
Watch here.