WASHINGTON - Last week, Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) joined Josh Findlay, Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation's national Election Protection Project to discuss keeping our elections safe and secure. 

Josh Findlay: "What would you say to people that say you know the ACE Act looks like a federal takeover of elections like we saw Democrats were doing last cycle? How would you distinguish your bill from what the Democrats were trying to accomplish?"

Chairman Steil: "It's specifically drafted to allow states to be the lead on administering their elections. I was very thoughtful, very careful, to make sure this is not a federal government takeover of our elections. I don't want the federal government to run all 50 elections because I'm wildly concerned that the ideas and running and operations of California will become the national standard. And so I don't want a federal government to take over elections which is why we've chosen a path that maintains our federalism principles but also provides new tools that I think states could take, but should take."

Watch the full podcast here.
