WASHINGTON - Today, Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) and Representative Stephanie Bice (OK-05) introduced the Preventing Foreign Interference in Elections Act, similar legislation to Senator Bill Hagerty's (R-TN) S.4145. This legislation modernizes federal law's existing foreign national prohibition, preventing foreign nationals from wrongly influencing American elections.

Chairman Steil released the following statement:

"American elections must be free from foreign influence. By closing loopholes that allow foreign nationals from funding elections operations, we are one step closer in preventing foreign involvement in American elections. I’m committed to stopping foreign influence in U.S. elections and protecting U.S. donor privacy.” 

Representative Stephanie Bice released the following statement:  

“Individuals like Hansjörg Wyss should not be allowed to use loopholes to bankroll liberal groups such as the 1630 Fund or Arabella Advisors. We must ensure that foreign individuals or even foreign adversaries are not corrupting our political processes with money or influence. I want to thank Chairman Steil for his continued leadership and focus on safeguarding American elections.”

Caitlin Sutherland, Executive Director of Americans for Public Trust, has released the following statement:
"Chairman Steil is taking yet another critical step toward protecting U.S. politics from foreign influence. For too long, loopholes in our laws have allowed Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into organizations directly and indirectly influencing politics and elections. There's nothing stopping foreign adversaries from China, North Korea, or Russia from doing the same. This commonsense legislation will help safeguard our politics from foreign meddling.”


Federal law prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to campaigns. However, foreign nationals can use a loophole to get around this provision. 

The Preventing Foreign Interference in American Elections Act would prevent foreign nationals from improperly influencing American elections while protecting Americans’ nonprofit donor information. The bill would:   
  • Clarify the existing foreign-national ban on “indirect” contributions. 
  • Prohibit foreign nationals from funding ballot harvesting or GOTV activity (i.e. Zuckerbucks activity)
  • Stop foreign nationals from funding U.S. election administration.
  • Strengthens Americans’ donor privacy protections
Representative Stephanie Bice (OK-05) is an original co-sponsor of the bill. 

Read the full text of the bill here