Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) today announced that Staff Director Jen Daulby has accepted a new opportunity and will depart the committee next week and Deputy Staff Director Tim Monahan will take over as staff director.

Daulby has been a member of Team Davis since 2013. She served as Davis's chief of staff for six years until 2019 when she left to be the Republican staff director after Davis was named Ranking Member of the committee.

Monahan has more than a decade of experience working in House operations on Capitol Hill. He has served deputy staff director of the committee since 2019. During the 114th and 115th Congresses, Monahan worked for the Legislative Branch Subcommittee under the House Appropriations Committee. Prior to that, he served as Director of Immediate Office Operations and Deputy Chief Logistics Officer at the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

"Jen has been with me from day one, helping me set up my office in 1740 Longworth 8 years ago to setting up this office when I had the privilege of becoming Ranking Member. With the help of her leadership, we've been able to take the smallest committee in Congress and elevate it to one that many members and staff rely on. During Jen's tenure at the committee, we've increased outreach and communication with offices, led on election issues, and provided the necessary oversight to help the House work better for everyone on the Hill. We will miss Jen, but I am proud of her accomplishments and excited to see what this new opportunity brings for her and her family."

"Tim has done a fantastic job as deputy staff director and I know he will do a great job leading this committee for the Republicans. As we continue to push for security and operational reforms to the House, Tim's decade of experience with House operations will be invaluable as we move forward. We have a lot of work to do and I know, with Tim's leadership, we will have many more accomplishments this Congress."
